Sauna Herba (Mandi Wap)
Kaedah Sauna kini menjadi pilihan atas kesedaran untuk menjaga kesihatan kerana ramai yang sudah maklum akan kebaikan bersauna.
Khasiat & Faedah Sauna
1.Memecahkan lemak- lemak yang berlebihan dalam badan anda.
2.Menghaluskan kulit - lakukan lulur/scrub badan selepas anda bersauna. Hasilnya kulit anda akan bertambah halus dan gebu.
3.Bersauna dapat melangsingkan badan
4.Dapat mengeluarkan toksin dalam badan
5.Menghilangkan kesakitan sendi, arthritis, urat dan sengal-sengal badan
6.Membantu masalah sukar tidur
7.Menjadikan badan terasa lebih ringan dan bertenaga
8.Melancarkan perjalanan darah
9.Sangat baik untuk wanita yang baru lepas bersalin bagi menggantikan tangas
10.Menyembuhkan luka-luka selepas bersalin
11.Meningkatkan kadar metabolisme yang membantu dalam mengurangkan berat badan.
Cucumbers soothe skin irritations, prevent water retention
and are rich in water, fibre and beneficial minerals. It’s no wonder then that
beauty products contain this beneficial vegetable.
So, who has not heard about the wonders cucumber pads can do
for tired/over strained eyes? Just cut two slices of cucumber, lie down
somewhere comfortable, relax and place the cucumber slices over your eyes. As
they work their refreshing magic, in a matter of minutes, you can feel the
puffiness and tiredness in your eyes being washed away by the moist cucumber.
If you want happy skin, cucumber is your answer, say beauty
experts. As cucumber and the skin share the same level of hydrogen, it becomes
easy for cucumber to mask all the problem areas. It helps in soothing and
softening your skin so you feel relaxed in no time. Scientifically known as
Cucumis sativus, the cucumber belongs to the same family as watermelon,
zucchini, pumpkin and other types of squash. Ever wondered how the phrase “cool
as a cucumber” originated? Perhaps this is due to cucumber’s high water content
(90 per cent) which lends it a unique moist and cooling taste.
Cucumber also contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and caffeic
acid, both of which soothe skin irritations. These two acid compounds prevent
water retention, which is why cucumbers applied topically are helpful for
swollen eyes, burns and dermatitis. Its hard skin is rich in fibre and contains
a variety of beneficial minerals, including silica, potassium and magnesium. The
silica in cucumber is an essential component of healthy connective tissues,
which include muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone. This is why
beauty experts recommend drinking cucumber juice as a source of silica to
improve the complexion and health of the skin.
Cucumbers are thought to have originated more than 10,000
years ago in southern Asia. Early explorers introduced this vegetable to India
and other parts of Asia, and later to the United States. It was popularly used
during the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Greece and Rome, not only as a food
source but also for its skin healing properties.
Now that you know how good cucumbers are for you and your
skin, besides eating them, you may want to slather some on your skin as well.
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